
In House Manufacturing or Joint Venture Factories

Our focus at Berkeley Sourcing Group is to grow your hardware business with you. If you get to the stage or phase wherein you’re ready to take on the larger scale of In-House Manufacturing or exploring having a Joint Venture Factory in China – we can help you do that too. These can be big and complex undertakings, but our combined decades of experience in China make us your perfect partner for getting the scale and factory type you need – when you and your hardware business are ready. Let’s get growing!

In-house Manufacturing

Throughout the years, Berkeley Sourcing Group has invested significantly in in-house manufacturing. These are factories that we have opened for our clients so they can have more control over the quality, lead times, and cost of their products.

Our model is to open small, focused factories that specialize in a very limited scope of products. This allows us to build out the factory and operations down to the minute details and in turn make quality and price meet at optimal points. What’s more, your products will always be top priority at our in-house factory. Whether it’s a small order that would have trouble getting priority otherwise, or a large order that needs to meet a tight deadline, by controlling production in-house on your behalf, we and you have more in control and oversight.

We currently operate a stitching factory with CNC (automated) stitching capabilities, a micro injection factory and an injection molding factory. Currently, we are in the process of opening a compression molding factory (for silicone and rubber products).

As our customers develop markets and grow as businesses, we seek opportunity to grow as well. If your product quantities can reach an operating capacity for a small factory, we would like to help open a factory for your products. We have the rare ability to manage factories in the Jiangxi province where rent and labor are much more competitive than Shenzhen and the other major manufacturing hubs, and we are expanding those capabilities each year. Talk to us today about what we can do to provide in-house manufacturing for you. We can usually have a factory up and running at capacity within three to six months.

Joint Venture Factory

If your quantities are high enough and you are interested in investing directly in the factory, we will work with you to start up a joint venture factory. We will manage the entire set-up process, from determining the location, hiring management and workers, to buying machines and establishing quality guidelines and tools.

Once the factory is running we will employ ISO standards, statistical process controls, and other critical management and quality control systems to insure continuous improvement that can otherwise be hard to come by in China. You can enjoy the control of ownership and price reduction without the headache and time/energy sink of learning how to manage on the other side of the world.